The goal of the project:

Should bring more transparency to the Bulgarian market for pitched roof products, our 4th edition of market research focused on this industry.

Which is the content of the research?

  • Total roofing market size (by volume and value)
  • The historical evolution of the market – 2012-2019
  • Market segmentation by type of roofing (metal, ceramic, concrete, steel tiles, bituminous shingles and bituminous corrugated plates) and trends regarding this segmentation
  • Market shares (by the quantity and by value) of the main competitors per total market and per each segment
  • Regional market analysis – 2012-2019 by quantity per total market and per each segment
  • Detailed analysis of each segment (by production technology, etc).
  • Competition analysis – we provide individual information about each local player (financial information, estimated production and sales, segmentation of sales by various criteria, etc)
  • Bulgarian construction market – statistical data
  • Other relevant information

For further information, please download the brochure!