Customer satisfaction surveys
It costs 8 times more to attract a new customer than to retain an existing one
A business receives regular feedback from only 4% of unhappy customers. The other 96% do not react, and 91% will not come back.”
Michael Le Boeuf, Prof. Management, Univ. New Orleans
Monitor closely your needs and customer satisfaction! Act before it is too late.
Identify exactly preferences of your customers and competition as well as their attitudes towards your company compared to the competition.
Create the foundation for a corporate culture focused on aligning the company to clients’ requirements.
Define a set of measurable objectives in relation to the level of customer satisfaction
Conduct a comparative analysis of your company and its competition alignment to client’s request.
A satisfied customer:
- Stays loyal to your company
- Will strongly recommend your products / company to others
- Is willing to pay a higher price for products / services (perceives a higher value and a lower risk)