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Analysis of the photovoltaic systems and solar energy market in Romania – May 2024 edition


Neomar Consulting carried out, between April-May 2024, the 3rd edition of its market study in the field of photovoltaic systems and solar electricity in Romania.

The study offers a 360-degree look at all the players and aspects that characterize this market. The following markets are analyzed individually:

    • Products and equipment market: photovoltaic panels and equipment (inverters, storage systems, etc.)
    • Services market: design, installation and service for photovoltaic projects
    • Energy market: installed power, annually generated power, number of prosumers, total number of beneficiaries, installed photovoltaic plants (“utility-scale” projects)
    • The study analyzes Romania (mainly) and EU 27 (context information and comparisons)


Find answers to the most important questions about the sector!

  • What is the total value of the Romanian market (products & services) in terms of photovoltaic energy?
  • What is the annual growth rate of the market in the last 5 years?
  • What is the installed power of photovoltaic projects in Romania?
  • “Who’s who?” in the photovoltaic sector in Romania:
    • Prosumers: How many are there? Where are they located? What is the installed power per prosumer?
    • Industrial consumers: Who and how many are there? Other relevant details
    • Photovoltaic parks: Which and where are they? What is the annual trend?
    • Installers / EPCs/ service providers: How many are there? Who are the main 20-30 implementers in Romania in 2023?
    • What are the estimated market shares of service providers?
  • Equipment:
    • What is the annual value of sales of photovoltaic panels in Romania?
    • Where are the photovoltaic panels and equipment imported from? What are the main countries?
  • What are the main influencing factors of the market?
  • What are the trends that manifest in the medium and long term?
  • What financing programs are available for this industry?
  • What opportunities exist in this industry in the medium and long term?
  • Medium and long-term market forecast (2024-2030)
(Note: The report is available in Romanian. Optionally, English translation services can be offered, upon request.)

The actual content of the report – Over 200 pages with information and analysis about the sector!

Methodology and limitations, copyright and restrictions on the use of the study

0. Executive summary

1. Total electricity market (statistical data)
1.1. The EU27 electricity market
1.1.1. Total electrical capacities installed in the EU27
1.1.2. Total electricity produced in the EU27
1.2. The electricity market in Romania
1.2.1. National and regional electrical connection capacities available according to Transelectrica Connection capacities available in 2023 Connection capacities available in 2024, by region Differences in available connection capacities, by region (2024 vs. 2023) Legislative changes regarding the methodology for allocating the capacity of the electrical network
1.2.2. Total electrical capacities installed in Romania (all forms of electricity generation)
1.2.3. Total electrical energy produced in Romania

2. Solar electricity market (statistical data)
2.1. Solar electricity market in EU27
2.1.1. Solar electrical capacities installed in the EU27
2.1.2. Solar electricity produced in the EU27
2.2. Solar electricity market in Romania
2.2.1. Solar electrical capacities installed in Romania (INS statistical data)
2.2.2. Installed solar electrical capacities in Romania (estimate based on corroborated statistical data)
2.2.3. Solar electricity produced in Romania
2.2.4. The photovoltaic energy potential of Romania

3. Analysis of the final beneficiaries of PV systems (prosumers)
3.1. Installed power and the number of prosumers (PF and PJ), by county, on Dec. 31, 2023
3.2. The evolution of installed power and the number of prosumers (PF & PJ), by county (2018-2023)
3.3. The installed power and the number of prosumers depending on the electricity distributor, per county
3.4. Segmentation by prosumer installed capacities, depending on the installed power, per county
3.5. Segmentation according to installed capacities, depending on the number of prosumers, per county
3.5.1. Small or household beneficiaries (0-20 kW), depending on the installed power and no. by prosumers, by county
3.5.2. Small-medium B2B beneficiaries (21-50 kW), depending on the installed power and no. by prosumers, by county
3.5.3. Medium-large B2B beneficiaries (51-100 kW), depending on the installed power and no. by prosumers, by county
3.5.4. Large beneficiaries (> 100 kW), depending on the installed power and no. by prosumers, by county
3.5.5. The evolution of the installation of photovoltaic projects The evolution of the installation of photovoltaic capacities (kW), 2018-2023 Evolution of the number of connected prosumers, 2017-2022
3.6. Segmentation by installed capacities, depending on the type of legal entity, by county
3.6.1. Segmentation of natural person prosumers The evolution of photovoltaic project installations for natural person prosumers (capacity – kW and no.)
3.6.2. Segmentation of legal entities prosumers (“C&I”) The evolution of photovoltaic project installations for prosumers, legal entities (capacity – kW and no.)
3.7. Authorizations granted for commercial operations & PV parks, with authorized installed power over 1 MW
3.7.1. Projects with installed powers of 1-5 MW
3.7.2. Projects with installed powers of 5-10 MW
3.7.3. Projects with installed powers of 10-15 MW
3.7.4. Projects with installed powers of 15-20 MW
3.7.5. Projects with installed powers of 20-50 MW
3.7.6. Projects with installed powers of 50-100 MW
3.7.7. Observations regarding commercial (“utility-scale”) exploitations
3.7.8. PV parks in Romania, implemented or planned (major “utility-scale” projects)
3.8. Observations regarding the reported installed PV capacities and the real value of the installed PV capacities in Romania
3.8.1. Installed PV capacity reports
3.8.2. The real value of the total installed PV capacities in Romania

4. The market of PV panels and components specific to PV systems
4.1. PV panels market
4.1.1. The value of imports of PV panels in Romania The main commercial partners of Romania – imports of PV panels
4.1.2. The value of PV panel exports from Romania Romania’s main commercial partners – exports of PV panels
4.1.3. The estimated value of the PV panel market in Romania (sell-out)
4.1.4. The main players in the PV panel market Major global and EU manufacturers The main players in the PV panel market in Romania Producers of PV panels from Romania
4.2. The market of components specific to PV systems (inverters, generators, etc.)
4.2.1. Production of equipment specific to PV systems in the EU27
4.2.2. The value of imports of specific PV system components in Romania Commercial partners in the import of components specific to PV systems in Romania
4.2.3. The value of exports of specific PV system components from Romania Commercial partners in the export of components specific to PV systems in Romania
4.2.4. The estimated value of the market specific components for PV systems from Romania (without PV panels)
4.3. The main importers of components for PV systems in Romania
4.4. The estimated value of the local market of PV systems in Romania

5. PV system installers (PV system implementation services market)
5.1. The estimated value of the PV system installation services market
5.2. The main players in the PV system installation services market in Romania
5.3. Detailed analysis of AFM authorized integrators
5.3.1. Regionalization of AFM authorized integrators
5.3.2. Regional competitiveness in the assembly activity of AFM authorized integrators
5.3.3. Details about the products and services offered by the integrators
5.3.4. Segmentation regarding the source of purchase of PV equipment
5.3.5. Segmentation regarding the type of systems: on-grid vs. off-grid
5.3.6. The presence of storage equipment in installed PV systems
5.3.7. Carrying out the assembly activity by own teams vs. subcontracting
5.3.8. The main brands of components for photovoltaic systems used nationally
5.3.9. Estimated market shares of PV system integrators in Romania in 2023 Estimated market shares in projects intended for PF in 2023 Estimated market shares in projects intended for PJ in 2023

6. PV park developers (“EPC” companies market)
6.1. Differences and similarities between the market of installers of PV projects for prosumers and the market of EPC companies
6.2. Overview of the EPC market in Romania
6.3. Specific aspects of the EPC market for PV projects in Romania
6.4. Important players in the EPC market of PV projects in Romania
6.5. PV projects EPC market in 2024
6.6. PV project EPC market forecast until 2030

7. Trends and forecasts regarding the PV panel market
7.1. Trends in the global PV panel market in the last 3 years
7.2. The main influencing factors of the PV panels and systems market
7.3. Impact of technological progress
7.4. Increasing government support for green energy in the EU and Romania
7.5. Forecast of the PV systems market in Romania in the medium and long term (2024-2030)

8. Aspects regarding the potential market of PV systems in Romania
8.1. The potential market resulting from the solar capacity not yet installed, assumed by PNNR
8.2. The potential market resulting from the substitution of current fossil electricity with PV
8.3. The potential residential photovoltaic market in Romania, resulting from all the houses eligible for the installation of PV systems
9. The legislative framework of PV energy (important aspects, challenges, particularities, etc.)

10. Conclusions

Annex 1 – Segmentation of beneficiaries (physical persons vs. legal entities), by segments of installed capacity (kW and number of beneficiaries), by county
Natural persons, projects with installed powers between 0-20 kW, per county
Natural persons, projects with installed powers between 21-50 kW, per county
Natural persons, projects with installed powers between 51-100 kW, per county
Natural persons, projects with installed powers between 100 kW – 1 MW, per county
The evolution of photovoltaic project installations for physical persons (capacity – kW and no.)
Legal entities, projects with installed powers between 0-20 kW, per county
Legal entities, projects with installed powers between 21-50 kW, per county
Legal entities, projects with installed powers between 51-100 kW, per county
Legal entities, projects with installed power between 100 kW – 1 MW, per county
The evolution of photovoltaic project installations for legal entities (capacity – kW and no.)

Annex 2 – Synthesis of the legislative framework regarding the renewable energy market in Romania

Annex 3 – List of installers of PV systems for prosumers, authorized by AFM

(the study, including the annex, contains about 220 pages)


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