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Analysis of thermal insulating joinery market in Romania – 2024 edition


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For a better understanding of the thermal insulation joinery market in Romania (PVC and aluminum), Neomar Consulting conducted a market study in the field in Romania from October to December 2024, reaching its 6th edition.

Segments/categories analyzed:

    • Product: thermal insulation joinery (finished product, made from PVC and aluminum profiles)
    • Geographic market: Romania

Key information described in the report is available in English

The report provides information about the size and segmentation of the market for the studied segments:

    • Estimation of the total market size in Romania (volume and value)
    • Market segmentation based on specific industry criteria
    • Estimation of market shares of key competitors in the segment
    • Identification of trends in this market over the past 3 years
    • Total value of imports/exports (by country and product categories)
    • Identification and information about key competitors
    • Identification of the main market influencing factors
    • Market forecast for the medium and long term (2023-2030)

Actual content of the report:

1. Analysis of the insulating joinery market (finished product)

1.1.        Key data of the insulating joinery production in Romania

1.2.        Production of insulating joinery in Romania

1.2.1.    Three-layer glass usage in the insulating joinery production

1.3.        Local sales of insulating joinery in Romania

1.3.1.    Distribution channels for top insulating joinery producers in Romania

1.3.2.    Usage of insulating joinery in the residential segment in Romania

1.4.        Evolution of the thermal insulating joinery split between new residences and renovations

1.5.        Competition landscape in the insulating joinery market

1.5.1.    Joinery market segmentation by size of producers

2. Official statistics on insulating joinery exports

2.1.        Official statistics on exports of PVC joinery

2.2.        Official statistics on exports of aluminum joinery

2.3.        Compared official statistics on exports – PVC joinery vs. Aluminum joinery

3. Forecast of the construction sector and of the insulating joinery production in Romania

3.1.        Construction sector

3.2.        Insulating joinery production forecast


Annex 1: Key financial indicators of the main players in the Romanian insulating joinery production

Annex 2: Relevant constructions statistics

Residential segment

Non-residential segment

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