Romanian rainwater drainage systems market, 2024 edition


Field: Building Materials, Roofing materials

Romanian rainwater drainage systems market, 2024 edition

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In March 2024, Neomar Consulting conducted its 12th edition of the research covering the rainwater systems market. The report provides a complete overview of the Romanian rainwater systems market size by the end of 2023.

What is new in the study?

  • Analysis of the Romanian rainwater systems market size 2018 – 2023.
  • Information about the sales figures registered by the main suppliers of rainwater drainage systems made of prepainted steel and other metal alloys (copper, titanium zinc, etc).
  • Information about imports and exports of rainwater systems in/outside Romania.
  • Overview of the market size of rainwater systems.
  • Market segmentation by material, size, sales regions and distribution channels.
  • Complete set of data about the competitive environment and trends in this market.
  • The market shares of the main suppliers of rainwater systems (by sales value).
  • Presentation of main market players in the market in Romania and a complete overview of the activities of Romanian companies that are active in metal roofing tiles and also rainwater systems.


1. Romanian rainwater systems market size

2. Market shares of key competitors
2.1. Market shares calculated by sales (euro)

3. Analysis of key competitors by the origin of products
3.1 Estimated sales value (euro) of key local producers of rainwater systems
3.2 Estimated sales value (euro) of key importers of rainwater systems

4. Rainwater systems imports and exports evolution
4.1 Rainwater systems import evolution by value (euro) and main countries of origin
4.2. Rainwater systems export evolution by value (euro) and main countries of destination

5. Rainwater systems market segmentation by type and size
5.1 Segmentation of the rainwater systems market – by type 
5.2. Segmentation of the rainwater systems market – by size
5.3. Segmentation of the rainwater systems market – by color

6. Rainwater systems market segmentation by geographic regions

7. Rainwater systems market segmentation by distribution channel

How to get this report?

The study can be purchased online, from the Shop section of our website. For other information, please contact us.

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