Presentation – 2024 edition
In an effort to bring additional transparency to the precast concrete market and in response to the growing demand for this study, Neomar Consulting conducted the 12th edition of the precast concrete market study in the second part of the year 2024.
1. Who is the target audience for this study?
Major precast concrete producers
Suppliers of machinery and raw materials for the precast concrete industry in Romania
Investors interested in the construction sector and/or precast concrete industry in Romania
2. What are the researched markets?
In addition to the overall analysis of the market size of the precast concrete market in Romania, the study examines the following market segments:
1. Precast concrete for buildings
2. Precast concrete for infrastructure
3. Electric poles of medium and low voltage made of concrete
4. Precast concrete for utility networks (fluid transportation)
3. The main advantages of the study:
Forming a comprehensive understanding of the size and segmentation of the market in which you operate.
Easier identification of the most crucial segments in the market, as well as pinpointing existing niches.
Improved investment and operational planning – based on information regarding market trends and segmentation across geographic regions.
Setting realistic targets for both the value and volume of sales in the medium term.
Keeping international partners informed about the Romanian market.
4. What information does the study provide?
The annual research conducted by Neomar Consulting provides an overview of the market size and trends within the researched markets. This allows you to assess your company’s market share in the segment in which you operate and set realistic growth objectives based on the overall market trends.
5. Table of Contents of the study:
The reports is currently available only in Romanian language. Translation into English can be further provided after purchase, as an optional service.
Table of contents (in Romanian) is the following. In case you need a translation in English of the table of contents, please contact us.
1. Analiza dimensiunii si segmentarii pietei de prefabricate din beton
1.1. Analiza pietei de prefabricate din Romania
1.1.1. Segmentarea pietei de prefabricate din beton de mari dimensiuni pe categorii principale de produse in functie de volum -mc
1.1.2. Volmul vanzarilor principalilor producatori de prefabricate din beton (mc)- toate segmentele
1.1.3. Cotele de piata ale principalelor companii producatoare de prefabricate din beton in functie de volumul vanzarilor
1.2. Analiza pietei de prefabricate pentru cladiri
1.2.1. Volumul estimat al pietei prefabricatelor din beton din Romania – cladiri/suprastructuri
1.2.2. Cotele de piata ale principalilor producatori de prefabricate din beton pentru cladiri, in functie de volumul vanzarilor
1.2.3. Segmentarea vanzarilor de prefabricate pentru cladiri in functie de volumul vanzarilor
1.2.4. Segmentarea pietei prefabricatelor din beton pentru cladiri pe tip de lucrari, in functie de valoarea vanzarilor
1.2.5. Segmentarea pe regiuni a pietei prefabricatelor pentru cladiri, in functie de valoarea vanzarilor
1.3. Analiza pietei de prefabricate pentru infrastructura
1.3.1. Volumul estimat al pietei prefabricatelor pentru infrastructura
1.3.2. Cotele de piata ale principalilor producatori de prefabricate din beton pentru cladiri, in functie de volumul vanzarilor
1.3.3. Segmentarea pietei de prefabricate din beton pentru infrastructura (mc)
1.4. Analiza pietei stalpilor electrici de medie si joasa tensiune din beton
1.4.1. Volumul estimat al pietei stalpilor electrici de medie si joasa tensiune din beton (mc)
1.4.2. Cotele de piata ale principalilor producatori de stalpi electrici de medie si joasa tensiune din beton
1.4.3. Segmentarea pietei stalpilor electrici de medie si joasa tensiune din beton (mc)
1.5. Analiza pietei prefabricatelor din beton pentru retele edilitare (transport fluide)
1.5.1. Volumul estimat al pietei prefabricatelor din beton pentru retele edilitare (transport fluide)
1.5.2. Cotele de piata ale principalilor producatori de prefabricate din beton pentru retele edilitare (transport fluide)
1.5.3. Segmentarea pietei prefabricatelor din beton pentru retele edilitare (mc)
2. Analiza principalilor indicatori economico-financiari ai principalelor companii producatoare de prefabricate din beton
2.1. Cifra de afaceri a principalilor jucatori activi in domeniul productiei de prefabricate din beton (euro)
2.2. Profitul net principalilor jucatori activi in domeniul productiei de prefabricate din beton (euro)
2.3. Numarul de angajati al principalilor jucatori activi in domeniul productiei de prefabricate din beton
2.4. Rata profitului principalilor jucatori activi in domeniul productiei de prefabricate din beton
2.5. Productivitatea medie a principalilor producatori in domeniul prefabricatelor din beton
How to get this report?
To buy this report, please contact us. The study can also be purchased online, from the Shop section of our website, but since this study is a study with controlled distribution (selected clients), you must use a password provided in advance by Neomar Consulting to be able to purchase it.
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