Compressed air systems – market analysis – 2012-2022

Other countries – Eastern Europe

Field: Other industrial products

Compressed air systems – market analysis – 2012-2022

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For an extra transparency on the compressed air systems market, Neomar Consulting performs an analysis whose main utility is to draw an overview of the evolution of compressed air system imports in Romania.
All relevant and available statistical information on imports of compressed air systems in Romania, between 2012-2021
Monitor the market with minimum costs (comparable to the actual cost of statistical data purchased from INS, CRPC)
Convenience and time saving – information ready processed and interpreted;
Accessible document format (PDF, Excel)
What information does the study provide?

The analysis performed by Neomar Consulting provides you with all the relevant statistical information available in public institutions (INS, CRPC, etc.) regarding the imports of compressed air systems in Romania.

Contents of the study:

1. Imports of compressed air systems in the period 2012-2021
1.1. Imports of compressed air systems expressed in value – EURO
1.2. Imports of compressed air systems expressed in quantity – PCS
1.3. Imports of compressed air systems – analysis of the average import price – EURO / PC

2. Exports of compressed air systems in the period 2012-2021
2.1. Exports of compressed air systems expressed in value – EURO
2.2. Exports of compressed air systems expressed in quantity – PCS
2.3. Exports of compressed air systems – analysis of the average export price – Euro / pc

3. Segmentation of imports by type of compressed air system
3.1. Analysis of screw compressor imports
3.1.1. Value analysis
3.1.2. Quantitative analysis
3.1.3. Analysis of the average import price
3.2. Analysis of piston compressor imports (<15 bar, flow / h <60mᶟ)
3.2.1. Value analysis
3.2.2. Quantitative analysis
3.2.3. Analysis of the average import price
3.3. Analysis of motor compressor imports with a flow rate over 2mᶟ per minute
3.3.1. Value analysis
3.3.2. Quantitative analysis
3.3.3. Analysis of the average import price
3.4. Analysis of motor compressor imports with a maximum flow rate of 2mᶟ per minute
3.4.1. Value analysis
3.4.2. Quantitative analysis
3.4.3. Analysis of the average import price

Annex 1 – Detailed analysis of imports and exports for other types of reciprocating compressors

1. Imports of other types of reciprocating compressors – in the period 2012-2021
1.1 Imports of other types of reciprocating compressors expressed in value – EURO
1.2 Imports of other types of piston compressors expressed in quantity – PCS
1.3. Imports of reciprocating compressors (> 15 bar, flow / h> 120mᶟ) expressed in value – EUR – broken down by country
1.4. Imports of piston compressors (> 15 bar, flow / h <120mᶟ) expressed in value – EUR – broken down by country
1.5. Imports of reciprocating compressors (<15 bar, flow / h> 60 mᶟ) expressed in value – EUR – broken down by country

2. Exports of other types of piston compressors in the period 2012-2021
2.1. Exports of other types of reciprocating compressors expressed in value – EURO
2.2. Exports of other types of piston compressors expressed in quantity – PCS

Annex 2 – Financial analysis of the main players on the compressed air systems market

1. Evolution of turnover (euro)
2. Evolution of the number of employees
3. Evolution of profit (euro)
4. Profit rate (%)
5. Profitability (euro)

For further details, please access the study brochure (here).

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