Analysis of the insulating joinery market in Romania


Field: Building Materials, Thermal insulation materials

Analysis of the insulating joinery market in Romania

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Neomar Consulting has completed another edition of the annual study focused on thermal insulating joinery market in Romania. The analysis carried out by us provides you with a complete set of information about the size and segmentation of the insulating joinery market in Romania:

What information does the study offer you?

This report is the result of an extensive statistical market measurement study, the only one of this type realized in the last 15 years in Romania.

The study provides a complete picture of the joinery market in Romania. The analysis answers to questions about how big the market is, how it is segmented, which are the most important competitors and what are the trends. Currently, information of this type and with high accuracy are not available either at the INS or in other public or private sources.

The report helps to establish realistic objectives for your company and to adjust the investment policy in line with the market situation and can also support a transparent process for company’s shareholders.

The information from the study can easily be used as a support in preparing business plans, requests financing or refinancing, specific documentation for accessing European funds, etc


1 Thermal insulation joinery production in Romania and the value of the local market 

2 Segmentation of the insulation joinery market in the residential sector

3 The use of 3-layer glass in the production of insulation joinery

4 Analysis of the residential insulation joinery market – estimation of penetration rate for insulation joinery amongst households in Romania

5 Key information about the purchase of insulation joinery in Romanian households – results of a survey carried out amongst households with recent acquisitions of joinery (in the last 2 years)

5.1 Information on decision making patterns regarding the purchase of joinery

5.2 Information regarding the selection of the joinery manufacturer

6 Key figures regarding insulation joinery in Romanian households resulting from the survey made in 2020 and 2021

6.1 Penetration rate of insulation joinery within households in Romania

6.2 Age of insulation joinery in households

6.3 The level of satisfaction of the population regarding insulation joinery in households

6.4 Awareness of insulation joinery brands

6.5 Intention to purchase for insulation joinery

6.6 The preferences of residential customers for materials used in insulation joinery

6.7 The main source of information about the purchase of insulation joinery

7 The competitive landscape on the insulation joinery market

7.1 Segmentation of the insulation joinery market by size of the manufacturers

7.2 Top producers of PVC joinery

7.3 Top producers of aluminum joinery

7.4 Top joinery producers – combined – PVC + Aluminium

7.5 Brief profiles for main producers of insulation joinery


8 Considerations regarding the influencing factors of local demand and production

8.1 Is there unsatisfied demand in this market?

9 Macroeconomic analysis and forecast of the construction market in Romania and the market of joinery

9.1 The value of contracted construction works – by categories of works

9.1.1 Segmentation of the value of contracted construction works – by categories of works

9.1.2 The value of the contracted construction works – by type of works, category and execution

9.2 The number of construction permits issued (total) – precursor of the construction activity

9.2.1 The number of construction permits issued – by type of construction

9.2.2 Total authorized usable area – by type of construction

9.3 Centralized forecast of the construction market in Romania, by category of work

9.3.1 Annual growth rates, overall and by segments of the construction market

9.4 Forecast of the insulation joinery market 

For more details about access to this study, please contact us.

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