Analysis of the passenger buses market in Romania – December 2021


Field: Other industrial products

Analysis of the passenger buses market in Romania – December 2021

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A new analysis conducted by Neomar Consulting in the transport sector brings a set of new information about the evolution of the Romanian bus market in 2020 and the market prospects for the period January-September 2021.


1. Overview of the bus market in Europe
1.1. The macroeconomic perspectives of the market
1.2. Statistics on bus registrations in the EU
1.2.1. Buses and coaches
1.3. The evolution of vehicle production at the European and global level
1.4. European Union car trade
1.4.1. Imports
1.4.2. Exports
1.5. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the car fleet of the European Union

2. Analysis of the bus market in Romania
2.1. Market analysis in Romania – statistics on first registrations
2.1.1. Total registrations of buses and minibuses in Romania
2.1.2. Analysis of the target market – the total registrations of buses and coaches in Romania – categ. M3 – on brands in the period 2018-2021
2.1.3. Analysis of the target market – the total registrations of buses and coaches in Romania – categ. M3
2.1.4. Breakdown of imports / local production
2.1.5. Market segmentation by type of engine – 2018-2021
2.1.6. Market segmentation by category – 2018-2021
2.1.7. Market segmentation by the length of the buses
2.1.8. Market segmentation by number of seats
2.2. Information about the size and age of the bus fleet
2.2.1. The total number of existing buses and coaches in Romania – category M3

3. Trends and forecast of the bus market in Romania
3.1. Trends regarding the bus market
3.2. Forecast of the bus market in Romania

Appendix 1 – Detailed analysis of total exports of buses/coaches and minibuses from Romania and medium-term forecast:
The evolution and forecast of total exports of buses/coaches and minibuses from Romania
The evolution of total exports of buses/coaches and minibuses from Romania – by engine type (number of vehicles)
The evolution of total exports of buses/coaches and minibuses from Romania -by engine type (value – million euros)
Exports of Minibuses / Diesel buses depending on the country of destination – number of vehicles
Exports of Diesel-Hybrid Buses/Minibuses depending on the country of destination – number of vehicles
Exports of Electric Buses depending on the country of destination – number of vehicles
Exports of Gasoline-Hybrid Buses/Minibuses depending on the country of destination – number of vehicles
Exports of Diesel Buses/Minibuses depending on the country of destination – value (euro)
Exports of Diesel-Hybrid Buses/Minibuses depending on the country of destination – value (euro)
Exports of Electric Buses depending on the country of destination – value (euro)
Exports of Gasoline-Hybrid Buses/Minibuses depending on the country of destination – number of vehicles

Appendix 2 – Brief presentation of the local competition (representatives/importers present in Romania)
1. Mercedes-Benz Trucks & Buses Romania S.R.L.
2. MHS Truck & Bus SRL
3. Iveco Romania SRL
8. Otokar Europe – Romania

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