Neomar Consulting has finished the 5th edition of its annual market research report focused on building materials used for roof hydro-insulation (metallic tiles, concrete tiles, ceramic tiles, bituminous shingles and corrugated bituminous plates). According to the results of this market research report, in 2009 the market size for roof tiles in Romania was around 116 million euros, down by 34% compared to 2008. 
The research is based on interviews conducted with the top 40 producers and importers that operate on the Romanian market and the information collected from secondary sources reffering to approximately 60 companies operating on the local market as a producer or importer. 

As regards structural changes occurring in the market are small.
Metallic tiles have preserved and even strengthened their leading position, accounting for 52% of the total sales. There also have been registered a slight increase of the ceramic tiles market share (by 3% up to 19%) while concrete tiles saw a slight decline (-3% down to 12% of the total market size). 

Although 2009 was a difficult year, the number of players on the market has not diminished. 
According to Neomar Consulting’s research, there are more than 60 relevant players operating on the roof coverings market as a producer or importer. Most players (about 40) are active on metallic tiles market. Only 5 companies out 60 have managed to achieve a market share between 5-10% by value in 2009 while the rest of the players registered market shares below this value. 

2010-2011 might lead to the consolidation of the market.  
It is possible that the 2010-2011 timeframe to produce the consolidation of the market by restructuring small and medium sized business especially those active on metal tiles market. 
Q4-2009 and Q1-2010 indicate increasing steel prices which will inevitably lead to a decrease of margins / earnings since the producers will need to increase the prices of finished products due to increasing steel prices but also will need to boost sales through promotions, discounts or other similar incentives. The only output will be reduced trade margins with unpleasant consequences among companies with high fixed costs and unable to sell large quantities. 

2010 will be a year when effective marketing strategies will make the difference between winners and losers 
The research conducted by Neomar Consulting offers a set of information which provides an overview of market size and trends and offers the tools necessary to build a realistic set of plans and strategies. The existence of a coherent strategy will lead to lower costs and a more effective production and distribution of tiles – critical issues for a smooth crossing of this economic crisis. 

For more information, please contact Neomar Consulting at these contact details: 

Cristina Brian – project coordinator 
tel:+4-021-313.68.18 / +4-021-313.68.15 