The beginning of 2012 was unfavorable for wall building materials market which recorded in the first half a decrease of sales value by 11% compared to the same period of 2011. The decrease was mainly due to adverse weather conditions but also by reducing the number of new construction.

Although during the second half of 2012 the demand increased, the difference could not be fully recovered, and the market registered an overall 3% decrease compared to 2011.Difficult situation existing on the market led to the disappearance of small producers, some of whom became insolvent, others have suspended production and sales activities.The projects regarding the new production plants of Winerberger (in Iasi) and Soceram (in Roman) have been postponed indefinitely. The only investment realized in 2012, is belonging to a Chinese company Long Wall Brick, which completed in early 2013 a production plant for ceramic blocks situated in Saligny (Constanta). The total investment is estimated at approx. 15 million. AAC segment managed to recover the losses registered in early 2012. Despite the fact that in the first quarter 2012 most of the AAC producers in Romania had the production facilities closed, according to the research conducted by Neomar Consulting, by the end of 2012 there was delivered to the market a volume of AAC comparable to 2011 Exports of AAC recorded in 2012, a 60% increase over 2011, reaching a total value of 2.7 million euro. Unlike AAC, exports of ceramic blocks were significantly smaller in terms of value, totaling about 0.5 million.
More details on the analysis performed by Neomar Consulting here.