A new research report conducted by Neomar Consulting offers an updated perspective on the evolution of this market in Romania. news img 80 - Cercetare de piață și consultanță de marketing A relative stagnation on the Romanian sandwich panels market in 2010. 

According to a market survey conducted by Neomar Consulting on sandwich panel market in Romania, the sales of these products amounted to about 70 million euros, slightly down from 2009 (72 million euro). 

24% of the total domestic sales were imports while the remaining 76% of sales  were produced locally. Compared to 2009 is noticeable a consolidation of domestic production while imports registered a drop in value terms in 2010 by 25% compared to 2009. 

Optimistic Outlook for 2011: rising exports, growing local market. 

For 2011 Neomar Consulting estimated an increase of about 9% of this market by quantity. 

2010 also showed an increase of Romanian exports of sandwich panels by 89% compared to 2009. The trend will continue also in 2011 but not so steep. 

A complete research on Romanian sandwich panels market is now available. 

The full report of this survey offers a complete perspective on the market evolution in Romania but also on the competitive environment. In the report are highlighted the main market trends, main competitors, a detailed analysis of local production and the main exporters and importers.

For more details, information or other materials on this study please contact:

Bogdan Funieru – Project Manager
Tel:  021.313.68.18 / 0722.697.705