Neomar Consulting completed in March 2014 the 8th edition of its annual research on Romanian roofing market.
Modest increase of market size. According to the market research realized by Neomar Consulting in February-March 2014, in 2013 the total roofing market in Romania was approximately 126 million Euro, thus representing a slight increase of about 2% compared to the previous year (EUR 123 million). Market size estimate was based on interviews and information gathered regarding top 60 producers and importers of roofing materials in Romania Further development of metal-roofing segment. The profiled steel sheets (metal tiles) have consolidated their leadership position in this market, registering in 2013 about 57% market share by value compared to 55% in 2012. This increase market also a declining share of bituminous materials (especially corrugated bituminous sheets), their market share decreasing by 2%. Concrete and ceramic roof stabilized market share at around 20% and 10% respectively. Increased competition in a fragmented market . According to information collected by Neomar Consulting, there are more than 60 companies operating in this market as local manufacturers or importers. Most of them (about 40) focus on the production of profiled steel-sheet roofing (metal tiles). Only seven companies have managed to achieve a market share of over 5% and only one company has managed to surpass the 10% threshold. More details about our report can be found here.