Analizele multinationale in domeniul panourilor termoizolante si a sistemelor de tabla cutata si-au extins, inca odata, spectrul geografic.
In perioada Aprilie-Mai 2014, Neomar Consulting a realizat un studiu in domeniul panourilor termoizolante de tip sandwich pe piata din Turcia.
Principalele informatii oferite:
- Analizeaza si profileaza piata constructiilor din Turcia. Sinteze macroeconomice.
- Identifica principalele tendinte si factori de influenta ai pietei constructiilor
- Identificarea si profileaza principaliii producatori de panouri sandwich din Turcia
- Lista producatorilor de panouri sandwich din Turcia
- Numarul si amplasarea geografica a facilitatilor de productie
- Prezentarea gamei de productie a fiecarui competitor
- Furnizeaza un set complet de informatii despre marimea si segmentarea pietei:
- Marimea totala a pietei (volum si valoare)
- Evolutia istorica a pietei – 2011-2013
- Productia totala de panouri sandwich in Turcia (volum) si segmentare in functie de destinatie (export vs. piata locala)
- Segmentarea pietei pe tipuri de panouri (PUR, PIR, vata minerala, EPS) si a tendintelor in raport cu aceasta segmentare
- Analiza concurentei – furnizarea de informatii individuale despre fiecare jucator local (informatii financiare, nivel estimat productie si vanzari).
- Alte informatii de interes.
Raportul este disponibil doar in limba engleza si are urmatorul cuprins:
Module 1: Turkish Construction Market -Statistical data. Competition datasheets
1. Macroeconomic outlook – Turkey economy
2. Turkish construction industry
2.1. General Information related to the construction sector
2.2. Supply and Demand Factor in Construction Sector
2.3. Dynamics that will arouse the sector in Turkey
3. Turkish contracting in the international market
4. Building permits
4.1. Number of building permits by use of building (2008 – 2013)
4.2. The useful floor area of buildings and additions by use of building (2008 – 2013) – mil SQM
4.3. Value of buildings and additions by use of building (2008 – 2013) – mil EUR
5. Regional analysis – % split of non-residential constructions in 2013, by value
5.1. Number of new non-residential buildings and additions by regions (2011 – 2013) all types of non-residential constructions
5.2. Number of new non-residential buildings and additions by regions and type of building – detailed analysis
6. Perspectives
Module 2: Sandwich Panels Market in Turkey
1. Sandwich panels production in Turkey
1. 1. Segmentation of sandwich panels production volume by destination (local market / export)
1.2. Segmentation of sandwich panels production by company (producer) and destination – 2013
1.3. Top exporters of sandwich panels and main export markets
2. Analysis of Turkish sandwich panels market
2.1. Total sandwich panels market size in Turkey – Volume (sqm)
2.2. Sandwich panels sales on domestic market – segmentation by type in 2013
2.3. Estimated market shares in 2013 – Domestic sales by competitor
2.4. Estimated sandwich panels sales on domestic market – Segmentation by company and by type
2.5. Estimated sales and market shares in Turkey – PUR sandwich panels (market shares by segment)
2.6. Estimated sales and market shares in Turkey – PIR/IPN sandwich panels (market shares by segment)
2.7. Estimated sales and market shares in Turkey – Mineral Wool sandwich panels (market shares by segm.)
2.8. Estimated sales and market shares in Turkey – EPS sandwich panels (market shares by segment)
Module 3: Competition analysis and datasheets
1. Location of sandwich panel producers in Turkey
2. Comparative analysis of product range:
A. Large producers
1. Assan Panel San ve Tic AS
2. Teknopanel
3. Aluform
4. NUH Panel Yapi
5. Kingspan – Izopoli
B. Medium sized producers
6. GCS Metal
7. Panelsan
8. Hekimpanel
9. Arma Panel
10. Izocam
11. Davut Panel
12. Mekpan Panel
13. Europan Panel
14. Atermit
15. Bogen Panel
16. Metapanel
C. Sandwich panels specialized mainly in cold storage works and specific products
17. Karpanel
18. Erdemler Sogutma
D. Other companies related to sandwich panel industry
19. Setropan – sandwich panels for residential use
20. Park Panel – former producer acquired by ASSAN PANEL
21. Mepan Metal Panel Yapi Sistemleri discontinued
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