The multinational research of the sandwich panels and corrugated sheets markets realized by our company has expanded, once again, its geographical scope. During April-May 2014, Neomar Consulting conducted a study regarding insulated sandwich panels in Turkey.
- The studies focused on the Eastern European sandwich panels makets started in 2012 represented an important milestone for Neomar Consulting and helped companies active in the region to have a full picture on the reference markets.
- Following their success, Neomar Consulting has received a significant number of requests, from existing clients, to expand the geographical scope of this research.
- Therefore, during April-May 2014, Neomar Consulting conducted a study in the insulated sandwich panels focused on the Turkish market .
The main objectives of the study are :
- Analysis and profiling of the construction market in Turkey. Key trends and driving factors.
- Identification and profiling of the major sandwich panels producers in Turkey.
- Provide a complete set of information on market size and segmentation:
- Total market size (volume and value)
- Total production of sandwich panels (volume) and breakdown of exports vs. local sales
- Market segmentation by type of panels (PUR, PIR, mineral wool, EPS ) and trends
- Competition analysis – detailed information about each local player (financial information rate estimated production and sales) .
- Other information of interest.
The study was completed on May 30, 2014. For more details please contact us.