Project Description

A new analysis conducted by Neomar Consulting on metallurgical sector brings a new set of informations about the market evolution in 2015 and illustrates the expectations for 2016.

Who should use this research?Romanin steel products market 20161 - Cercetare de piață și consultanță de marketing

  • Large domestic distributors of steel products
  • Importers of steel products
  • Domestic producers of steel products

Which is the content of the research?

This research conducted by Neomar Consulting provides an insight of market size and trends that manifests on Romanian steel market and also a forecast for 2016. This allows you to calculate your market share, to review and analyze market segmentation and enables you to set realistic targets based on the actual evolution of the entire market. Analyzed products:

  • flat products (hot and cold rolled steel sheets)
  • hot rolled long products (rolled steel, concrete steel, wire)
  • steel tubes and pipes
  • other long products with advanced processing

The study report has the following content:

1. Brief qualitative analysis of steel market in 2015.

2. Steel production and sales from domestic production in 2015

2.1. Domestic production of finished products         Detailed analysis on the following chapters:

  • flat products
  • hot rolled long products
  • steel tubes and pipes
  • other long products with advanced processing

2.2. Sales on domestic market from Romanian producers.         Detailed analysis on the following chapters:

  • flat products
  • hot rolled long products
  • steel tubes and pipes
  • other long products with advanced processing

2.3. Export from Romanian producers         Detailed analysis on the following chapters:

  • flat products
  • hot rolled long products
  • steel tubes and pipes
  • other long products with advanced processing

3. Foreign Trade (import / export) in 2015

3.1. Detailed analysis of exports (quantities and values)

  • Export by product groups and assortments (sort) – flat products
  • Export by product groups and assortments (sort) – rolled long products
  • Export by product groups and assortments (sort) – steel tubes and pipes

3.2. Detailed analysis of imports (quantities and values))

  • Imports by product groups and assortments (sort) – flat products
  • Imports by product groups and assortments (sort) – rolled long products
  • Imports by product groups and assortments (sort) – steel tubes and pipes

3.3. Analysis of import prices

  • Detailed analysis on the following chapters:
  • sections and rebars
  • steel tubes and pipes

4. Total market size

4.1. Total market size in 2015         Detailed analysis on the following chapters:

  • flat products
  • hot rolled long products
  • steel tubes and pipes
  • other long products with advanced processing

4.2.  Evolution of steel products consumption 2013 – 2015  (total and by main product groups).

5. Conclusions Detailed analysis on the following chapters: other long products with advanced processing

The reports includes also hystorical data for 2013-2014 timeframe in order to better outline market trends and other relevant developments.

More details and how to buy?

Please visit the reports section within our website for a detailed description of the available report or contact us.