În vederea obținerii unei înțelegeri mai profunde a pieței materialelor termoizolante și a principalilor jucatori din industrie, atât în ceea ce privește dimensiunea lor, cât și vânzările realizate, Neomar Consulting a finalizat în aprilie 2024 o nouă ediție a studiului său. Obiectivul central al acestei inițiative este să ofere statistici centralizate și actualizate referitoare la dimensiunea și segmentarea pieței.
Cui i se adreseaza acest studiu?
- Marilor producatori/distribuitori de materiale termoizolante
- Importatorilor de materiale termoizolante
- Furnizorilor de utilaje si materii prime pentru industria de materiale termoizolante din Romania
- Investitorilor interesati de aceasta industrie
Raportul este disponibil in limba engleza si are urmatorul cuprins:
1. Evolution and Segmentation
1.1. Volume and market segmentation of the insulating materials
1.1.1. Annual growth rate by volume
1.2. Value and market segmentation of the insulating materials (euro)
1.2.1. Annual growth rate by value (euro)
1.3. Market segmentation by type and value (%)
1.3.1. Main findings regarding thermal insulation materials market in Romania
2. Expanded polystyrene market (EPS)
2.1. Total market size of expanded polystyrene (EPS)
2.1.1.The evolution of imports of expandable polystyrene by volume and value 2016-2023
2.1.2. Annual growth rate (%)
2.1.3. The market value and volume of EPS
2.1.4. Annual growth rate by volume and value
2.2. Estimated market segmentation based on density
2.3. Main competitors on EPS market
2.3.1. Estimated market volume (mᶟ) of EPS for main competitors
2.3.2. Market shares of the main producers – based on volume (%)
2.3.3. Estimated market value (euro) of EPS for main competitors
2.3.4. Market shares of the main producers – based on value (%)
2.4. Regional market analysis
2.4.1. REGIONAL ANALYSIS BY VALUE (EURO) – 2021 – 2023
3. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) market
3.1. Total market size of extruded polystyrene (XPS)
3.1.1. Annual growth rate by volume and value
3.2. Main competitors on XPS market
3.2.1. Estimated market volume (mᶟ) of XPS for main competitors
3.2.2. Market shares of the main producers – based on volume (%)
3.2.3. Estimated market value (euro) of XPS for main competitors
3.2.4. Market shares of the main producers – based on value (%)
3.3. Regional market analysis
3.3.1. REGIONAL ANALYSIS BY VALUE (EURO) – 2021 – 2023
4. Glass wool market
4.1. The evolution of imports of glass wool products by volume and value 2016-2023
4.1.1. Annual growth rate (%)
4.1.2. The evolution of imports of glass wool products by volume (tons) and by country of origin
4.2. Total market size of glass wool
4.3. Main competitors on glass wool market
4.3.1. Estimated market volume (tons) / competitor
4.3.2. Estimated market volume (mᶟ) / competitor
4.3.3. Market shares – based on volume (%)
4.3.4. Estimated market value (euro) /competitor
4.3.5. Market shares – based on value (%)
4.3.6. Sources of supply for the main brands
4.4. Regional market analysis
4.4.1. REGIONAL ANALYSIS BY VALUE (EURO) – 2021 – 2023
5. Stone wool market
5.1. The evolution of imports of stone wool products by volume and value 2016-2023
5.1.1. Annual growth rate (%)
5.1.2. The evolution of imports of stone wool products by volume (tons) and by country of origin
5.2. Total market size of stone wool
5.3. Main competitors on stone wool market
5.3.1. Estimated market volume (tons)
5.3.2. Estimated market volume (mᶟ)
5.3.3. Market shares – based on volume (%)
5.3.4. Estimated market value (euro)
5.3.5. Market shares – based on value (%)
5.3.6. Sources of supply for the main brands
5.4. Regional market analysis
5.4.1. REGIONAL ANALYSIS BY VALUE (EURO) – 2021 – 2023
6. Market of PUR-PIR panels for thermal insulation
6.1. Total volume and market value
6.1.1. Annual growth rate by volume and value
6.2. Market segmentation by thickness of the boards
6.3. Main competitors of PUR/PIR panels
6.3.1. Estimated sales volume (mᶟ)
6.3.2. Market shares – based on volume (%)
6.3.3. Estimated sales value (euro)
6.3.4. Market shares – based on value (%)
7. Detailed analysis of Romanian construction market – residential segment (2017-2023)
7.1. Analysis of permits for residential construction – 2017 – 2023
7.2. Number of building permits issued – breakdown by regions
7.3. Total useful area (authorized) – breakdown by regions
7.4. Average useful area / residential building authorized (sqm) – breakdown by regions
7.5. Number of building permits issued – breakdown by counties
7.6. Total useful area (authorized) – breakdown by counties
7.7. Number of completed dwellings – breakdown by regions and counties
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