Pentru a aduce un plus de transparenta asupra pietei de invelitori pentru acoperis din Slovenia, Neomar Consulting a realizat in Iunie 2020 un raport detaliat ce ofera o imagine de ansamblu asupra acestei industrii, pentru perioada 2015-2022.
Ce informatii ce va ofera acest studiu?
Cercetarea realizata de Neomar Consulting va ofera o imagine de ansamblu depre dimenziuniea pietei si trendul acesteia dar si informatii cu un grad mai mare de detaliere despre un anumit segment.
Raportul este disponibil doar in limba engleza si are urmatorul cuprins:
1. Slovenian Roofing Systems Market Size in 2015– 2022
1.1. Slovenian roofing systems market size by volume (SQM)
1.1.1. Segmentation of Slovenian Roofing Systems Market by type by volume (SQM)
1.2. Slovenian roofing systems market size by value (euro)
1.2.1. Slovenian roofing systems market size by value (euro)
1.3. Estimated sales of the key competitors by volume (SQM)
1.3.1. Market shares of the key competitors by volume (SQM)
1.4. Estimated sales of the key competitors by value (euro)
1.4.1. Market shares of the key competitors by value (euro)
2. Ceramic Tiles Market Size Analysis 2015 – 2022
2.1. Market size by volume (sqm) and market shares of key competitors
2.2. Market size by value and market shares of key competitors
2.3. Detailed analysis of imports of ceramic tiles in Slovenia
2.3.1. Total imports by quantity and value – 2016 -2022
2.3.2. Structure of imports by quantity – 2016 -2022 (Pieces)
2.3.3. Structure of imports by value (Euro)
3. Concrete Tiles Market Size Analysis 2015 – 2022
3.1. Market size by volume and market shares of key competitors
3.2. Market size by value and market shares of key competitors
4. Metallic Tiles Market Size Analysis 2015 – 2022
4.1. Market size by volume and market shares of key competitors
4.2. Market size by value and market shares of key competitor
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