Analiza pieței de tablă galvanizată și pre-vopsită din România – 2023


Domeniu studiu: Alte materiale, Produse din otel

Analiza pieței de tablă galvanizată și pre-vopsită din România – 2023

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Studiul realizat de Neomar Consulting oferă o analiză detaliată a pieței din România pentru tablă galvanizată și pre-vopsită în anul 2023. Acesta acoperă aspecte esențiale precum statisticile de bază ale pieței, importurile și exporturile de PPGI și GI & HDG, date macroeconomice relevante pentru contextul economic al țării, segmentarea pieței și principalii jucători implicați.

Cui ii este adresat acest studiu?

Potențialii beneficiari ai acestui studiu de piață includ:

  • Producătorii și distribuitorii de tablă galvanizată și pre-vopsită;
  • Importatorii și exportatorii din domeniu;
  • Furnizorii de materii prime și investitorii interesați de sectorul metalurgic.

În principal, entitățile comerciale care urmăresc evoluția pieței metalurgice din România pentru luarea deciziilor informate și dezvoltarea strategică a sectorului ar putea beneficia semnificativ de acest studiu.

Cuprinsul detaliat al raportului (raportul este disponibil in lb. engleza):

1. Basic prepainted galvanized steel (PPGI) and galvalume steel (PPGL) market statistics

1.1. PPGI market in Romania
1.1.1. Total PPGI market size in Romania (tonnes)
1.1.2. PPGI market segmentation by origin in Romania
1.2. Detailed analysis of PPGI imports in Romania
1.2.1. Annual evolution of PPGI imports
1.2.2. Annual evolution of PPGI imports by product segments
1.2.3. Quarterly PPGI imports evolution: 2020-2023 (by volume and value)
1.2.4. PPGI imports by country of origin
1.2.5. PPGI imports by supplier (estimated import shares of foreign mills)
1.3. Detailed analysis of PPGI exports from Romania
1.3.1. Annual evolution of PPGI exports
1.3.2. Annual evolution of PPGI exports by product segment
1.3.3. PPGI exports by country of destination
1.4. EU tariff quotas for PPGI products

2. Basic galvanized steel (GI & HDG) market statistics

2.1. Total GI & HDG market size and market of interest in Romania
2.2. GI & HDG market segmentation by origin in Romania
2.3. Detailed analysis of GI & HDG imports in Romania
2.3.1. GI & HDG imports by country of origin
2.3.2. Annual evolution of GI & HDG imports by product segments GI & HDG imports segmented by roll sheet width (<600 mm vs. >=600 mm) GI & HDG imports segmented by alloy type (alloy steel vs. iron or non-alloy) GI & HDG imports segmented by zinc coat type (Zinc vs. AluZinc) GI & HDG imports segmented by chemical process (electrolyze vs. no electrolyze)
2.3.3. Quarterly GI & HDG imports evolutions: 2020-2023 (by volume and value)
2.3.4. Quarterly GI & HDG exports evolution: Q1 2022 vs. Q1 2023 (by volume and value)
2.4. EU tariff quotas for GI & HDG products

3. Macroeconomic statistics of Romania

3.1. GDP
3.2. Currency volatility
3.3. Population
3.4. Employment count
3.5. Unemployment rate
3.6. Employee productivity
3.7. Average net monthly income
3.8. Average net monthly income of employees working in industries related to metal consumption.
3.9. Average gross monthly income
3.10. Average gross monthly income of employees working in industries related to metal consumption
3.11. Production, import and export values of industries related to metal consumption
3.12. CPI (Consumer Price Indices)
3.13. IPPI (Industrial production price indices)
3.14. Construction statistics
3.14.1. Building permits and contracted construction works Building permits – predictor for the construction market’s dynamic Contracted construction works (construction market breakdown)
3.15. Energy prices overview
3.15.1. Electricity prices for non-household consumers
3.15.2. Gas prices for non-household consumers
3.15.3. Gasoline, diesel and propane prices
3.16. Cost of industrial land (Constanta & Galati counties)
3.17. Freight transport cost
3.18. Industrial warehouse lease prices
3.19. Romanian banking sector – top 10 players

4. PPGI market segmentation and stakeholders

4.1. Market segmentation by technical criteria:
4.1.1. by width of coils
4.1.2. by grade of steel
4.1.3. by thickness of the sheet
4.1.4. by zinc coating
4.1.5. by type of coating
4.2. Market segmentation by PPGI usage
4.3. List of main PPGI clients in Romania (end-users & stockists)
4.4. Main PPGI clients’ data sheets
4.4.1. Bilka Steel SRL
4.4.2. Isopan Est SRL
4.4.3. Wetterbest SA
4.4.4. Topanel Production Panels SA
4.4.5. Impro SRL
4.4.6. Bravo International Ro SRL (Bravo Europa)
4.4.7. TeraSteel SA
4.4.8. Joris Ide SRL
4.4.9. Romconstruct A G SRL
4.4.10. Linda Ecotil SRL
4.4.11. BlachoTrapez SRL
4.4.12. ArcelorMittal Construction Romania SA
4.4.13. VikingProfil SRL (Viking Pruzsynski)
4.4.14. Metigla SRL
4.4.15. Tigla Tonmir SRL
4.4.16. Proinvest Group SRL
4.4.17. Olimp Impex SRL
4.4.18. Olint Com SRL (Rufster)
4.4.19. Metale International SRL
4.4.20. Lindab SRL
4.4.21. Roofart SRL
4.4.22. Caretta SRL
4.4.23. Novatik SRL
4.4.24. Tinichigeria SRL
4.4.25. FierCTC Sibel SRL
4.4.26. Damila SRL
4.4.27. Blitz Profil SRL
4.4.28. Top Profil Sistem SRL

5. GI & HDG market segmentation and stakeholders

5.1. Market segmentation by technical criteria:
5.1.1. by width of coils
5.1.2. by grade of steel
5.1.3. by thickness of the sheet
5.1.4. by zinc coating
5.1.5. by type of coating
5.2. Market segmentation for GI & HDG usage
5.3. List of main GI & HDG clients in Romania (end-users & stockists)
5.4. Main GI & HDG clients’ data sheets
5.4.1. Mairon Galati SA
5.4.2. Doladela Company SRL
5.4.3. Bamesa Otel SA
5.4.4. FierCTC Sibel
5.4.5. Kovostroj SRL
5.4.6. Rosteel Invest SRL
5.4.7. Steel Business Profiles SRL (Menatwork)
5.4.8. Lio Metal SRL
5.4.9. Miras International SRL
5.4.10. Ozel Steel Profil SRL
5.4.11. Sidma Romania SRL
5.4.12. Proinvest Group SRL
5.4.13. Damila SRL
5.4.14. ThyssenKrup Materials Romania SRL
5.4.15. Baurom Construct SRL
5.4.16. TeraSteel SRL
5.4.17. Olimp Impex SRL
5.4.18. Tinichigeria SRL
5.4.19. Dedeman SRL
5.4.20. Iteco Steelservice SRL
5.4.21. Metigla SRL
5.4.22. Lindab SRL
5.4.23. Arabesque SRL (MatHaus)
5.4.24. Baduc SA
5.4.25. Metale International SRL
5.4.26. Mitliv PH Construct SRL (Mitliv Group)
5.4.27. Bricostore Romania SA (Brico Depot)
5.4.28. Tigla Tonmir SRL
5.4.29. Comet S. S. C. SRL
5.4.30. Hornbach Centrala SRL
5.4.31. Leroy Merlin Romania SRL
5.4.32. Joris Ide SRL
5.4.33. ArcelorMittal Construction Romania SA
5.4.34. Bilka Steel SRL

6. Conclusions related to the prepainted and galvanized flat steel markets in Romania

6.1. Market influencing factors
6.2. The prepainted steel (PPGI) market
6.3. The galvanized steel (GI & HDG) market
6.3.1. Usage of and interest for Alu-Zinc steel sheets instead of Zinc galvanized sheets
6.3.2. Usage of and interest for steel sheets produced in India

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