We present the findings of a unique study in Romania. It provides a new perspective on the importance of customer feedback for medium and large companies in Romania.

news img 84 - Cercetare de piață și consultanță de marketingTo assess the attitude of Romanian companies towards customer satisfaction, Neomar Consulting conducted in June 2011 a survey among200 medium and large companies focused on collection and analyzing theircustomers’ feedback and satisfaction.Monitoring customer feedback – theoretically important butoften neglected. Although they say customers are the most important resource of the company, there is often room for improvement on how complaints are monitored and clients’ suggestions noted.Biased feedback. In most cases the methodology applied for monitoring customer satisfaction leads to biased resultsLess than 15% of companies have chosen a professional approach and carry outregular studies through specialized companies. Interesting? Read the report! Please click here to read the report. (Romanian language only) We hope to offer you new ideas about how you can monitor and improve certain processes of your marketing activity. More resources on this topic are available at www.customersatisfaction.ro