Analysis of Prepainted Galvanized Steel Imports and Consumption in Romania 2013-2023


Field: Building Materials, Steel products

Analysis of Prepainted Galvanized Steel Imports and Consumption in Romania 2013-2023

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The research conducted by Neomar Consulting offers a complete overview of the PPGI market size and trends in this sector.

Who should read this study?

  • Main suppliers of steel products
  • Importers of galvanized sheet and PPGI
  • Producers of galvanized sheet and PPGI

Which kind of information is included in the study?

The research conducted by Neomar Consulting offers a complete overview of the PPGI market size and trends in this sector.

Table of contents:

1. Imports of PPGI by quantity and value – 2013-2023
1.1. Total Quantity Imported (mt)
1.2. Total value (Euro)

2. Average price per mt – PPGI Imports
2.1. Structure of imports per country (tons) and import price

3. Structure of imports by country of origin – 2013-2023

4. Analysis of imports average price (euro) / metric tonne/country of origin

5. Exports of PPGI by quantity and value – 2013-2023
5.1. Total Quantity Exported (mt)
5.2. Total Value (Euro)

6. Structure of exports by country of origin – 2013-2023

7. Estimated consumption (mt) – 2013-2023

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